
BlueQuartz Offers a variety of downloads for use by the general community.

MXADataModel – This page contains links to the MXADataModel downloads hosted by Carnegie-Mellon University Materials Science and Engineering Department

EM/MPM Gui – This page contains links to the EM/MPM Gui application that was released under the USAF Electronic Imaging in Microscopy program. The EM/MPM Gui is released under a BSD open source license. All source code is located on the BlueQuartz Server.

Misc Downloads – This page contains software that has been developed under the various DoD contracts and has been released to the public as OpenSource under a BSD style license.

Data – This page contains data sets that are used by the projects and that the scientific and academic communities might find useful or interesting. The data sets are stored in HDF5 files formatted to the MXA Specification.

Git Repository – BlueQuartz Software maintains a publicly accessible server for software projects that have been released to the public.  [[need internal page links]]